added impulse grenades. throw them at the ground to launch yourself in the air. throw them at enemies to send them flying
combined survival and zombie survival game mode - some rounds spawn zombies, others humans and others, a combo of both.
Added special waves to survival mode. There are 5 possible special waves: all rockets, all grenade launchers, all teleport, all smoke, all flash. Some of those can only happen at higher wave levels.
added a weekly best survival score
added a small shadow under the player model so it is easier to see on light terrain
invincible effect no longer shows from first person
fixed zombies running sideways
bots are stronger in BR (level 3)
player names are more visible over light terrain with a black stroke
time between rounds on DM and Team DM increased by 5 sec
fixed the healthbars showing a white bar in front
made clan insignia smaller
bots no longer have burst rifles
can no longer get clan points in survival
fixed map load screen display and scaling issues
added a 5 sec countdown timer to respawn
fixed game glitching each time you enter/exit the menu