Ev.io Special Edition Mints

Ev.io special edition mints will be run spontaneously throughout the year. Some will be run for characters and weapons that didn't make it into our big mints. Some will be seasonal, e.g. for halloween and Christmas, and some will be collaborations with other brands and projects. 



Here at the important things to know about special edition NFTs:

  • The NFTs do not have earn utility by default. However, in the future, you will be able to grant them earn utility by burning other NFTs. The earn bonus depends on the rarity tier, not the rarity tier of the NFT you are burning. For example, if you burn a Hydra (common) to grant a legendary special edition NFT earn utility, the earn bonus will be that of legendary, not common. 
  • In the future, you will be able to craft special edition NFTs into other more rare NFTs. When we do have crafting, special edition NFTs will be required ingredients for the most rare crafted NFTs.
  • Supply and rarity tier work pretty much the same way first edition NFTs work. For example, legendary special editions have a 50 max supply. Common have 150.  
  • Special edition NFTs can be leveled and lent out / scholared the same way first editions can be. 
  • Unless we say otherwise, minting will always take place at https://mint.ev.io

Before a special edition mint we'll typically announce 3 days beforehand on our socials as well as in-game. 

Happy minting!