Ev.io Seasons, Quests and Reward System Overhaul

We're distributing 2 new seasonal rewards in ev.io which can be attained by equipping a 3rd edition character skin and completing daily quests.

  • S tokens - used to buy the current season's skins (see below: "How to get skins and tokens"). With enough S tokens (clans can pool their tokens), you can also get a custom designed skin. 
  • L tokens - used to buy land. Read the explanation page on how land works here

Each token is associated with a season. e.g. S1 (skin season 1), L1 (land season 1), etc. Seasons last for 6 months. 

Ev.io Season 1 Schedule

1. Choose Your Skin

Select from a variety of free off-chain season 1 skins. Higher rarity skins are more challenging to convert into permanent NFTs and require more grinding. If you don't get the NFT-version, the skin will disappear from your inventory at the end of the season.

2. Grind Your Skin

Complete daily quests over 3 months in various game modes. Earn S tokens for every 7 days of completed quests (does not need to be consecutive), working like a punchcard. Earn more S tokens, the more skins you have in your inventory (see the inventory networth section below).

3. Convert to an NFT

After the first 3 months, non-NFT skins become NFTs. Only players who have grinded enough S tokens via daily questing will be able to convert. 

4. Play with Your NFT Skin

For 3 months, play with your NFT skin to earn L tokens, which can be used to buy land. The skin, now being an NFT, will also accumulate level, which can be used for cosmetic value, and to calculate your networth. Earn more L tokens, the higher your networth (see the player networth section below).

5. End of Season

Players can no longer earn S or L tokens. Prizes are calculated and notices are sent for who receives what.

6. Land Beta launch

Players get a preview of what they are getting with a public beta for land.

7. Land launch

Land is distributed and each land area has a grand opening.

ev.io s and l tokens

How to get skins and tokens

Players earn tokens via our new weekly quest system. Instead of mindlessly grinding kills, you will complete daily quests that are designed to take 30 minutes / day. Each day, a new game mode will be featured as the daily quest. Complete 7 daily quests (does not need to be consecutive) and collect tokens which will be used to buy land.

  • Get S tokens by equipping a free, non-NFT season 1 character skin and completing weekly quests. 
  • With enough S tokens, you can convert the skin into an NFT (which are 3rd editions). And with the NFT-version, you can grind L tokens via the same weekly quest system

When the season begins, players will be able to select from a large variety of season 1 skins.

ev.io skin selection season 1

Wearing the skins (as a non-NFT) is completely free. But you must grind S tokens in order to be able to keep the skin at the end of the season. If you select a legendary skin for example, you and a maximum of 50 top S token grinders, will keep it. If you choose a common, you and a maximum of 150 S token grinders for that skin, will keep it. Think of it like a token leaderboard for each skin. Only after owning the skins as NFTs will you be able to grind L tokens, using the same weekly quest system. 

Collect 1st, 2nd and special edition skins to increase the # of (S & L) tokens you get per weekly quest turn in (see Inventory networth below). 


NFT skin leveling will be activate for the first time in Season 1. Levels gradually accumulate on skins, as you play with them. For example, winning a game might award a small amount of level. We may have special events and tournaments which awards level on NFTs to all participants. 

The main benefits of skin level:

  • Increases your networth by a small factor (see "Inventory networth" below)
  • Improves the skin cosmetics as it appears in the game

At first, level will simply display in-game and as an attribute on the NFT (i.e. your skin level is in fact, on-chain). Later, we plan to improve the look of your skin in the game. 

Inventory networth

The amount of tokens you earn from quest completion depends on the quantity and value of skins in your inventory (networth), with a small multiplier respecting the level of each skin.

For example, if the weekly reward is land tokens (i.e. the last 3 months of the season), someone who has 2 common skins in their inventory when turning in their weekly quest will gain more land tokens than someone with just 1 common. Someone with 5 legendaries and 1 common will gain more tokens than someone with 5 commons and 1 legendary. You will see a networth # at the top of your inventory. That number is calculated based on the rarity and quantity of skins, and will determine how many tokens you earn.

As usual, different skins have different rarity tiers. The rarity tier signifies how difficult it is to convert the skin into an NFT. 

Third edition skins start out as normal web2 skins. Anyone with a registered account can opt into a skin (choose from a selection). You own it forever and you can use it to grind tokens. Only a finite # for each skin will be available at the end of the season. The # of S tokens in your wallet (the one connected to your account) will determine wether you get it converted into an NFT.

If your skin has 0 level (i.e. has not been played with), it still factors into your networth. At the moment (and this is subject to change), about 30% of the networth calculation is planned to be based on level.  

What separates 3rd from 1st/2nd and special edition?

1st, 2nd and special have earn utility, which means you can use them to earn crypto by participating in our earn events (like the Bonk drop and Fractal events). You can also use them to increase the # of tokens you get when turning in your weekly quest in.

The old system is being phased out

As for e to SOL, we still have 15K in the play to earn pot coming from Brave. You will have an opportunity to convert your existing e to SOL soon. However, after the 15K is gone, we no longer have money in the play to earn pot as the 10K/month funds from EG have been discontinued. We will continue to look for new sponsors, but ultimately our plan is to move away from grind-based earning as it creates a worse user experience all around (e.g. farming, lobby locking, etc), and towards events-based grinding (such as the Fractal Halloween and the Bonk drop event). That is, shorter earn events with themes as opposed to a round-the-clock grind. As many of you may have learned, the round-the-clock grind is not fun. And "fun" is what we set out to do.

Thanks to various sponsors such as Brave, Bonk and Fractal, we were able to give out hundreds of thousands in crypto earnings during the bear market last year. We also gave out nearly all the money that we earned from NFT sales back to players with rewards (the rest, to cover development expenses), and our own money. That's right, we've invested over 100% of what we've earned with EV back into players and the game itself. We hope everyone will understand that we want the primary focus to be on rewards (the tokens) that stay within the ecosystem. As opposed to purely a play to earn model, which attracts the worst elements (people come to grind for a few buck, ruin lobbies, then leave).

The new reward system might not be ideal for people that come and go, but it rewards long term skin holders and people that are interested in the core game. The sort of people that want to stick around. I've always said that one of my goals is to make ev skins worth more than the rarest counter strike skins - that is, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands. It's only possible if we grow exponentially! 

What happens to e, the off-chain currency?

Players will be able to convert their hard-earned e to SOL (till the 15K from the player pot is gone). Then later, to L (land) or S (skin) tokens. I recommend keeping your e if you don't want to "cash out" so to speak. It will be the primary means of exchange in ev.io for off-chain transactions. 


We plan to release info on how scholarships will work soon.