FEATURE - new game mode called “Last Team Standing”. Two teams compete in a best of 5 rounds competition. After you die in LTS, you watch your teammates until the round ends.
FEATURE - In team games, the current score for each team is taken into account when new players join. If one team is up by over 25%, and has a combined score over 1500, the player will join the team with the lower score.
FEATURE - You can now earn 10e by watching a short video ad at the end of each game. Click “Watch Ad” to claim your free currency on the end-game screen
FEATURE - You can now upload a custom crosshair via settings menu.
FEATURE - New option in settings to set the gun invisible while you are aiming down the sights.
FEATURE - New options in settings to set the zoom level (FOV) on each gun.
FEATURE - clan icons in the scoreboard now link to the clan homepage