Weapons Data Info

Submitted by Forgeable on Wed, 08/12/2020 - 11:03
  • name: name of the weapon
  • id: has to be unique. Also determinates the order. DEPRECATED. DO NOT USE.
  • noProjectile: if true, client will not create a projectile object (only cosmetic)
  • cooldown: number of ticks until you can shoot again
  • cooldown2: number of ticks to reload the gun after clip is empty
  • projectileSpeed: distance per tick
  • pseudoProjectileSpeed: hitscan weapons have infinite speed. On client side, we still display a projectile, using this speed. Also, setting this makes the weapon a hitscan weapon.
  • predict: if true, client predicts this weapon immediately when you shoot it. If false, only shows after server tells you that you shot. Usually true for hitscan weapons.
  • dmg: obvious
  • clipSize: obvious
  • pickUpSize: how much ammo you gain when you pick up this weapon
  • reloadSound: name of the sound that plays on reload
  • shootSound: name of the sound that play on shot
  • knockback: how much the weapon will get knocked to the top / back when shooting (purely cosmetic) per shot
  • knockbackMax: how much the weapon will get knocked to the top / back max (knockbacks stack, when shooting multiple times, before prev knockback animation finished)
  • impactWallSound: name of the sound that play on hit wall
  • spreadMinZoom: the absolute minimal possible spread that you can have
  • spreadMin: the absolute minimal possible spread when youre not zooming
  • spreadMax: the spread you have after you just shot
  • zoomSpreadMod: multiplier for spread while youre zooming
  • zoom: camera frustum while youre zooming
  • muzzleSmoke: if true, muzzle smoke effect gets displayed (currently disabled ??)
  • positionX: x-axis position modifier (for displaying on the playing player)
  • positionY: y-axis position modifier (for displaying on the playing player)
  • positionZ: z-axis position modifier (for displaying on the playing player)
  • startAmmo: ammo count for this weapon when a player spawns (0 for most weapons)
  • hideBulletTrailToPlayer: dont show trail / trace to the shooting player himself (purely cosmetic)
  • projectileRadius: radius of the projectile, which is used for collision
  • aoe: radius of aoe effect
  • projectileSmoke: if true, the projectile emits smoke (purely cosmetic)
  • dieSound: name of the sound that plays on death
  • flyingSound: name of the sound that plays while travelling (should be loopable)
  • recoil: if true, weapon has some small recoil when shooting (purely cosmetic), kinda similar like knockback
  • hotkey: default hotkey
  • heatseek: if true, projectile follows a target
  • maxCurveAngle: maximum angle that the projectile can travel in a curve (only relevant for heatseeking projectiles)
  • timeTillLockOn: ticks after initial shoot, until the heatseek kicks in
  • bounceOfWalls: if true, bounces of walls (instead of dying)
  • bounceOfGround: if true, bounces of ground (instead of dying)
  • dieOnPlayerCollision:if true, dies on player collision
  • bounceOfSound: name of the sound that plays on bounce
  • isLaser: if true, projectile looks like a laser (purely cosmetic)
  • maxBounces: maximum number of bounces before projectile dies
  • dmgModBounce: every bounce multiplies the dmg by this value
  • friendlyFireModifier: dmg to friendly players (including self) is modified by this value
  • reflect Effect: if true, a reflect effect is displayed (purely cosmetic)
  • countProjectiles: if set and more than 1, one shot produces multiple projectiles
  • stick: if true, projectile sticks to wall / ground
  • gravity: custom gravity used for this projectile
  • timer: if set, projectile dies / explodes after this number of ticks
  • noWeapon: if true, this weapon does not show up in the UI and on the map as pick up
  • isMine: if true, this is a mine and does miny stuff
  • emitsSmoke: if true, this emits a lot of smoke on dying
  • flash: if true, this flashes players on explode
  • manualControl: if true, the projectile can be manually controlled by the player
  • emitsFire: if true, this emits fire after exploding
  • noSelfHit: if true, this projectile does not collide with the origin player
  • noPickup: if true, this weapon does not show up as a pickup on maps
  • meleeAnimation: if true, a melee animation is played when shooting this weapon
  • impactPlayerSound: name of the sound that plays on hitting a player
  • pushback: if set, weapon pushes the player a bit back when shooting. The higher the value, the more pushback
  • barrelOffsetY: offset of the start position where the ray that represents the path of the bullet is rendered